Who We are
Located in Northern Virginia, Landers and Company provides technology and management consultancy services to commercial and Government organizations. Our primary focus is to provide efficient solutions to our clients that provide strategic long term cost savings.

We strive for innovation in everything we do so that our services provide a foundation upon which organizations can grow and mature.

Our mission is to help you accomplish your mission. Through innovation and a focus on the big picture, we read between the lines to identify and differentiate between what our clients want and what they need. We help you identify what you need before you need it, so that you remain two steps ahead of the curve. Many consulting organizations often forget that they are not consultants for the sake of providing services to exact specifications. Rather, consultants by definition are meant to provide expert advice. That means relying on knowledge and experience to help clients achieve their goals, and providing recommendations for achieving these goals even if these recommendations conflict with client specifications. In order to foster this innovation at Landers and Company we recruit only the best and brightest, and we foster an environment where creativity is rewarded within a flexible retention strategy.

To be the premier consulting firm in the world and the company that is relied upon by clients and other consulting firms alike to solve the most critical and complex issues.

At Landers and Company, our values drive everything we do. Our people, our clients, and our work are held together by these common values and our primary source of success is the result that we provide. Not revenue. Not profit margins. Our success is measured in both objective and subjective terms by our impact on others. Our values are:

Provide unmatched customer service to employees and clients
Business conduct starts with personal conduct – act with integrity and honesty in all that you do.
Strive to exceed expectations
Communicate both good and bad news in a timely, clear, and concise manner.
Take pride and responsibility in both personal and Company work.